Become a Doer Today
We know endless choices exist for promoting your business, and we are here to help. EazyDone’s mission is to connect service providers - YOU - with customers who are ready to book in your area. Want to learn more?
Check out the five reasons below why you should become an EazyDone Doer (service provider) today.
Trusted Word of Mouth
Being part of Eazydone means you are part of a recommended network of service providers in your area. We partner with local communities and tap into their superpower of connectedness AND trust, resulting in an interested and loyal customer base.
Targeted Marketing
EazyDone believes hyper-local leads to an increased number of bookings. Do’ers can offer services in the communities of your choice with customers who are ready to book.
Integrated Platform
Want to get booked only when you are available? EazyDone provides a full customer experience - you set the prices and your availability and the customer can book you when it is convenient for both of you. The customer can pay and recommend you on the platform, so the business keeps coming your way.
Increased Visibility
Once you sign up, consider EazyDone as part of your marketing team. We share information about your business on our website, newsletters, and social media to help reach a larger target audience and build your business.
Networking Opportunities
EazyDone offers more than a listing on a website, Do’ers are part of a larger community of local business owners. We host in-person and online events, provide open office hours to help with business or strategy questions, and are available if you need anything.